Friday, May 19, 2006

In His grace everyday...

I decide to come back today to change the title for my blog site. I was thinking of what to change it to. After some thoughts, I want to dedicate this little corner where I will be putting my thoughts to my Heavenly Father who loves me so much. Throughout all these years walking with Him (actually, it's Him who's walking with me), I deeply feel that His grace is so abundant, ample for me and those around me whom I love, regardless of what we have done.

I am thankful for who He is, a just and holy God, yet so loving and faithful. My words cannot describe Him completely. I am just glad that I am living in His grace everyday. I pray that His love will be known to others, for He is always there for those who seek. Posted by Picasa


Kevin Leinbach said...

I couldn't find an email address or contact info so I'm leaving a message here. You can delete it so it doesn't post.

I'd like to thank you for the "Beautiful View" I found on stock.xchng. I have used it as a header in my blog: It has the mountains and water in blue which I was looking for.

Thanks again, keep up the good work,


Unknown said...

that is certainly is a beatiful sight.